How much do I pay a Liberal Arts intern?
Social Science: Students must be paid for a minimum of 35 hours per week, up to 40 hours per week for a minimum of 10 weeks.
Arts & Humanities, Infomation & Media Studies, & Music: Students must be paid a minimum of 140 hours over a 4 month work term.
All students must be paid minimum wage or higher. Note: the funding incentive will be equivalent to 25% of the student's salary, to a maximum of $3,000.
When will I receive the funding incentive?
Employers hiring students in the Liberal Arts Internship in 2019 will receive the funding incentive upon the student's successful completion of the internship, and the submission of the employer's final evaluation.
Do I have to be a London-based technology and/or digital creative employer to hire through this program?
Yes. The funding we received from the Ministry to offer these incentives was based on a proposal to grow internship opportunities for students in Liberal Arts programs. We identified London's technology and digital creative sector as a fast-growing hub with which to advance these opportunities.
If you're unsure if your organization qualifies, please contact an Employer Relations Developer to discuss.
What type of job qualifies as an Art of Tech Internship?
The internship must provide authentic, discipline-related experience that helps the student build transferable skills, and contribute to meaningful work in your organization.
An Employer Relations Developer would be happy to speak to you in more detail about this.
Can I hire students from other Faculties?
The Art of Tech Internship Program includes eligible students from: Arts & Humanities, Information & Media Studies, Music, and Social Science. There are additional internship and practicum programs offered through other Faculties, including Science and Engineering. Please visit the Work Integrated Learning Directory to learn more about these programs.
Can I hire interns from diverse populations?
We encourage employers to value diversity during the hiring process, and are happy to assist you in this regard.
What is expected from an employer who hires an intern?
Upon hiring an intern, the Internship Supervisor agrees to:
- Work with the student to establish learning outcomes for the internship.
- Provide active and continuous supervision (and mentorship, where possible).
- Orient the student to the internship site and any site-specific policies (i.e., confidentiality).
- Provide the student with ongoing feedback and direction throughout the internship.
- Provide the student with suitable workspace, equipment, and training to achieve their learning outcomes.
- Participate in a midterm check-in (by phone or in person).
- Complete a final evaluation. Maintain regular communication with Western University Internship Coordinator throughout the internship, and report to the Coordinator any concerns related to the student's performance.
- Model ethical practice and refrain from any inappropriate or unethical behavior toward the student.
Do I have to assess the student's performance?
The internship employer will provide a final evaluation of the student at the end of the work term (template available here: Final Evaluation). Additionally, at the mid-point of the nternship, there will be a check-in call with the student and supervisor separately to evaluate performance and expectations.